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S.M.S. X4

S.M.S. X4

Ingredients: Saturated suspension of minerals and trace elements.  

S.M.S. X4 is a specialty fertilizer which balances microbial communities and protects organic matter.

- Fosters micro flora and micro fauna development.

- Increases

Soil aeration and porosity.

Total soil biomass. 

- Improves water and air circulation to help roots development.

- Reduces:

Erosion and eliminates nutrients leaching.

Needs for pesticides use (healthier roots to make stronger plants)

- Reduces and eliminates:

Dependency to fertilizers (under normal conditions, no need for P and K and gradual reduction of N and secondary elements.) 

S.M.S. X4

- Is totally safe for the environment. 

- Is conveniently in a suspension form for spray application.

Applied Bio-Minerals, Inc. provides free technical assistance for best results.