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LAS 203

L.A.S. 203

Ingredients: Saturated suspension of minerals and trace elements.  

L.A.S. 203 is a Liquid Mineral Solutions for ruminants.

-  With its bio-availability characteristic, L.A.S. 203 acts quickly on living tissues and the microbial flora of the digestive tract. It allows the animal to establish or restore the healthy balance needed for growth and productivity.

- Improves:

Resistance to risk factors such as stress, change in feed or climate, infectious pressure, metabolic disorders.

- Regulates:

All digestive functions.

- Enhances:

Key growth and reproductive functions.

- With L.A.S. 203, animals will usually consume less feed for same production or produce more with the same amount of feed.

L.A.S. 203 is very economical with proven results and easy to handle with conventional equipment. 

Applied Bio-Minerals, inc. provides free technical assistance for best results.